Mindfulness Meditation Tickets and Dates

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More Information about Mindfulness Meditation

'behappify' your life
Ages: 18+ // Tickets: Donation (minimum donation: รบ5, paid cash)
All money will be donated to the Community Angels project. Community Angels is a befriending project for vulnerable adults of any age. This may include those who face loneliness, isolation, illness or other personal difficulties. Our volunteers visit people in their homes, providing companionship and support to reconnect with the local community.
Check-out https://gtcc.org.uk/community-angels/ for further information.
Do you want to be happier? It's a choice. Your choice. You can choose to live a happy life. You can avoid negative thinking. You can change your thoughts if they are holding you back. You can be more resilient. You can manage negative emotions.
In these monthly engaging and fun sessions led by Margarita, you will practise how to skilfully deal with life. Together we will explore how mindfulness principles and meditation can help you to increase your happiness.
You will leave the session feeling calmer and more curious about life!
To reserve a place on the course, or for any questions please call 07853 406668 or email calm.curious.mind@gmail.com
Web: https://www.calmcurious.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmcurious/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calm.curious.mind/